Get amazing service at amazing rates

You could be a businessman who is constantly worried about what number of missed calls you’ve got and the amount of paper you go throigh. nowadays, it is very selfish of you to use up mounds of paper if you can choose never to be so wasteful. As for those missed calls, something has to be done since you never know when a call might be important. You are running a business after all and that may have been a customer on the line.

So what can you do to remedy this? Why not take all the money you will save on paper and put it in direction of getting your own personal 1300 number service that will allow you to better connect with your customers? By getting this service, you are making sure that you are always there for your clients and also that they never have to feel neglected even when you just cannot answer your phone. How does this work you might ask? Simple enough, 1300 numbers will offer you the possibility to avail of a phone to email promo where in your customers are going to be prompted by the service to leave a message for you which is then recorded in the form of a .wav file and sent to your email address so as to listen to them at a later time.

There is also a fax to email promo that helps you save money on paper and save paper in general. What happens is that you just get a fax which will be saved as a PDF file and rapidly sent to your email. a service which is efficient, very convenient and intensely advantageous for the planet. these 1300 numbers are not at all pricey and will not bankrupt you. a rational fee gives exceptional service. you can do your company a world of good by getting a 1300 number.

1300 numbers – Customers can call you from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call with a 1300 number or they can call free with a 1800 number.